A sperm quality control dataset.

Videos of 65 wet semen samples (400x magnification) stored at DVD discs and obtained from the ESHRE-SIGA External Quality Assessment Programme for Semen Analysis from the period 2006-2018, were used in the development of the model. The ejaculates were incubated at at 37°C, and the videos were made 30-60 minutes after collection. The temperature during the recordings was kept at 37°C by use of pre-heated slides placed on microscope trays with controlled temperature of 37°C. Randomly chosen fields were recorded for 5-10 seconds, depending on number of visible spermatozoa. The number of fields were chosen to allow assessment of at least 200 spermatozoa. Some of the investigators used a mask with a 25 x 25 um reticle to facilitate assessment of the sperm motility. Micrometer scale recorded at the beginning of each DVD, with the same magnification as the actual sample recording, allowed each investigator to calibrate their own screen used. The manual assessment of the videos was performed according to WHO 1999 criteria (World Health Organization 1999). Sperm motility was categorized into rapid progressive (grade a), slow progressive (grade b), non-progressive (grade c), and immotile (grade d). In addition, we calculated the proportion of total progressive motility (a + b), which is a part of the classification system in the WHO 2010 manual (World Health Organization 2010).

Dataset Structure

The root directory of the dataset contains a directory containing all videos and a .csv file that includes the motility annotations. The annotation file contains five columns; the first column is the video ID which can be linked to the videos using the filename, the second column represents the percentage of sperm that are rapid progressive, the third column represents the percentage of sperm that are slow progressive, the fourth column represents the percentage of sperm that are non-progressive, and the fifth column represents the percentage of sperm that are immotile.


File Description Size Download The entire dataset in one zip file. 7.8GB


Email michael (at) simula (dot) no if you have any questions about the dataset and our research activities. We always welcome collaboration and joint research!